Effectiveness of Public Representatives

The research work endeavors to conduct a close and comprehensive study of Public Representatives in India in terms of their productivity and performance. It seeks to scrutinize the amenities provided to them and do a comparative study of the same with other countries to adopt the best practices. A part of the research work also seeks to develop a digital dashboard to measure their performance over various parameters and come up with a final Performance Score.

Process Rationalization Policy

Over the past few decades, governance in India has been weighed down by excessive government formalities and bureaucratic indifference which has introduced red- tapism into the system and curtailed its reach out to people across the country. Rationalization of processes is key to effective and efficient governance and it is an urgent necessity to bring equality. Government regulations can be simplified through elimination of unwanted practices, rules and laws, and by reducing internal official burden on government servants. Regulations should also be periodically reviewed to make them contemporary.

National Agriculture Policy

Agriculture has been an integral constituent of Indian culture, from the early civilization of societal evolution and hence principally known as an agrarian country. Farmers of this land had been demonstrating their skill and innovative practices in the cultivation of a range of crops with domestic animal sources. The post-independence population of India grown from 36 cr to 140 cr by 2022 and is estimated to be 166 cr by 2050. Recent reports have shown that, though India is progressing to achieve self-sufficiency in food grain productivity, many major environmental challenges such as loss of soil fertility, waterlogging, pollution, and excessive use of fertilizers and pest controllers, lead to an imbalance in the farm ecology.

Role of Music and Sports in Education

Howard Gardner, an American psychologist challenged the view of the existence of a single intelligence and gave the Theory of Multiple Intelligence which suggests that ‘humans have several other significant intellectual capacities,’ ranging from logical-mathematical, spatial, linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Naturalist, Existential to Spiritual Intelligence. Every individual has a ‘Unique Individual Potential’ which can be unlocked by applying the Theory of Multiple Intelligence. We are here attempting to understand the role of music and sports in education and how exposure to music and sports at an early age leads to the cognitive development of children, unlocking the potential of each individual, leading to their academic success and growth in career.

Why Ph.D.?

A PhD is the recognition of an individual’s contribution to their field of research, bringing new ideas to the table and addition of new knowledge to their domain. The role of a PhD in academia and research cannot be overstated. Research drives innovation and contributes to a nation’s intellectual and economic growth. ‘Why PhD’ seeks to undertake a comprehensive study of the research landscape in India for PhD graduates and hopefuls. It will address the challenges that lie in their wake and what could be done to resolve them.


The World Bank’s country classification system looks at the nation’s Gross national income and categorises them into low-income, lower-middle-income, upper-middle-income and high-income groups. As per the World Bank’s definition, 82 countries fall under the category of low-income and lower-middle-income which we term as developing nations. The number of nations that fall into this category has increased over the years, adding 4 new nations to this category during the pandemic, including Indonesia. The pressing priority of today’s time for the developing nations is to have an organisation, a unified force to reckon with, an association that will combine the energies of these 82 developing nations to help tackle the problems they all are facing daily.

Problems Police are facing in India

In the recipe to cook democracy, the rule of law is one of the essential ingredients, if not the most. Police officials play a vital role in maintaining the rule of law. They make certain that everyone abides by it and play a central role in our criminal justice system as police officials are the face of this system and are the first point of contact whenever someone’s rights are violated. Police officials are expected to maintain peace and harmony in society, protect citizens’ rights and liberties, and enforce the laws of the land. In every country, Police officials have to perform such diverse duties, which they can’t perform efficaciously without a sound policing infrastructure, efficient internal structure, and well-trained and sensitised personnel who are healthy mentally and physically. This study entails providing insights on the aforementioned issues. The objective of this study is to conduct off-the-record interviews of people who are/were police officials or are/were associated with the police in India to understand the issues they face.

Cost of not doing Judicial Reforms in India

The research work endeavors to determine the cost the nation is paying for not having judicial reforms. It aims to calculate the costs borne by all stakeholders in the judiciary, with a particular emphasis on litigants. In terms of loss, it seeks to study the business loss, losses incurred by corporate entities, mental health and loss to the GDP of our country due to defunct properties because of perennial litigation. The research work will deliver the cost of not doing judicial reforms and the cost or investment required to do judicial reforms, and it will provide recommendations as well.

Cost of Living Index in India

India is a country of vast cultural and topographic diversity; with that comes differences in tastes and preferences, habits and consumption levels. Determining CPI (Consumer Price Index) by grouping Indians based on their occupation in rural and urban areas might fail to capture the true value of consumption and expenditure. The Cost of Living Index (CLI) aims to determine the cost of living in India by considering the magnitude of variances or differences in consumption patterns at the ground level of our country based on needs and preferences.

Responsible Citizens’ Index

COVID-19 has thrown light on how responsible the citizens of a nation are. We often talk about a nation’s duty towards its citizens but rarely acknowledge that to become responsible, a nation needs responsible citizens. The Responsible Citizens’ Index aims to rank the states and Union Territories of India on the responsible behaviour of their citizens on various parameters like environment, social and political behaviour, health, education, awareness and exercise of rights and duties, and public behaviour.

7 Regional Wonders of India

India is endowed with incredible history, Culture, and landscape, and has some of the most extravagant places in the world. In order to explore and promote these rich places, World Intellectual Foundation came up with the idea of having ‘Regional Seven Wonders’, in each state of India. The idea will be inspiring diverse areas, including stimulation of local economies, infrastructure development, investments, employment opportunities, tourism, economic development and the like.

Work-Health Balance

We often talk about ‘Work-Life balance’. However, ever since the world has been engulfed with Covid-19, the focus has shifted on health and we have realized that both work and various aspects of life revolve around health. A healthy body and mind are more productive, happy and aids in unlocking one’s potential. Thus, our research work on ‘work-health balance’ aims to change the paradigm from work-life balance to work-health balance thereby aiding humans to lead a satisfied, happy life.

Contribution of Women in India

There has been a hesitancy in recognising the roles, efforts and contributions of women all over the world, especially in India. Women have had to stand up for their rights time and again. Despite all difficulties, India has examples of several women who contributed in diverse fields through various timelines. The objective of our research work, ‘Contribution of Women in India,’ is to acknowledge the contribution of such women and inspire & empower the women of today.

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor ​

An attempt to provide a comprehensive and critical examination of the IMEEC initiative and its potential to influence the trajectory of globalisation. It aims to provide valuable insights for readers seeking to understand the evolving dynamics of global development and the role of major infrastructure projects in shaping the future. Further, this research work delves into the implications and potential of the IMEEC (India –Middle East –European Economic Corridor) initiative in the context of global development and the ongoing debate surrounding slow-balization.

Effectiveness of Public Representatives

Process Rationalization Policy

National Agriculture Policy

Role of Music and Sports in Education

Why Ph.D.?

Problems Police are facing in India

Cost of not doing Judicial Reforms in India

Cost of Living Index in India

Seven Regional Wonders of India

Responsible Citizens’ Index

Work-Health Balance

Contribution of Women in India

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor

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